Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Octav Paul @ Barocco Afterhours 4 Iulie 2010, 5AM

go to my Fan Page

:: Noi + Voi Afterhours ::

Noi si Voi petrecem iarasi, mentinem vibe-ul si ne dansam, Duminica dimineata de la ora 5AM la Barocco Bar, din Centrul Bucurestiului, de pe Strada Domnita Anastasia nr 10.

In line-up ii vei bineauzi pe:

Octav Paul
Groove Soundsystem

Intrare: 20 Ron

Monday, June 28, 2010

Octav Paul @ FAME, Vineri 2 iulie 2010

go to my Fan Page

S-au regasit !
Un italian.
Un spaniol.
Un mexican.
Un suedez.

It's all about friends.

Sunt in Bucuresti. Centrul Istoric.

S-au inpiedicat de FAME, locatie unde au vazut o terasa mare, un lounge cochet si un bar "imbatator".

Italianul doreste un ristretto.
Spaniolul o tortilla.
Mexicanul un taco.
Suedezul un masaj.

Dupa ce au fost serviti, au descoperit un mic club cu o sonorizare vibranta, unde erau 2 Dj Faimosi, care zguduiau casa.

Muzica House.
Chef nebun.
Atmosfera tun.

It's all about music.

Regaseste-te si tu in personajul care te reprezinta, Vineri 2 Iulie, de la ora 23:00 in FAME (ex Stamba) pe Gabroveni 19.

"It's all about Fame !..."


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Octav Paul @ Daimon Club, 23 Iunie 2010

go to my Fan Page

23 iunie, ziua in care NOI va asteptam pe VOI sa petrecem intr-un stil cu totul special la Club Daimon incepand cu ora 22, intr-un ambient ce are ca scop atingerea sistemului emotional de catre Alin Stoica, Octav Paul, Olivian Nour si Mircis. Incalzirea va fi asigurata de Matei Tulbure.

Pe langa atmosfera unei seri minunate de vara garantam tuturor participantiilor, o stare de spirit
pozitiva ce va fi indusa prin factorul asupra caruia ne concentram cel mai mult, muzica de calitate, redata cu dragoste de catre Noi pentru Voi.

Intrare 10lei <>

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Octav Paul - 212 Kelvin (Free Download)

Octav Paul - 212 Kelvin

This song was first uploaded on 20th of June 2008, and it has more than 164,542 views on Octav Paul's Youtube Channel, channel under the nickname of pawoolf.

People have been asking for downloading or even buying this song...

So, after almost 2 Years, I decided to give this track as a gift to all the people that asked for it.

Thank you for the support!!!
Here is the download link to Octav Paul - 212 Kelvin track.

The download package is a rar archive, that contains the MP3 file at 320kbps, Octav Paul's Biography and Discography, the Cover picture at high resolution and a picture of Octav Paul.
