Monday, December 23, 2013

Ordinea de pornire a echipamentelor audio intr-un studio muzical

Iata o alta tematica importanta, bine de stiut si de aplicat mereu, in special pentru a iti proteja echipamentele cat si pentru a nu produce evenimente nedorite cand vine vorba de semnal audio (zgomot deranjant ce depaseste un nivel de presiune mai mare decat cel suportat in mod normal de catre urechea umana).

Asadar, in primul rand, trebuie sa stim "ordinea de pornire a echipamentelor audio intr-un studio muzical" (in situatia in care toate echipamentele sunt instalate si CONECTATE deja):

1. Se porneste placa de sunet, numai atunci cand computer-ul si boxele (monitoare de studio) sunt oprite
2. Se porneste si computer-ul cu boxele in continuare oprite
3. Dupa ce si computer-ul s-a pornit, se pornesc si boxele.

La inchiderea sistemului se procedeaza in sens invers:
1. Opresc boxele
2. Opresc PC-ul
3. Opresc placa de sunet

Aceasta ordine este foarte important de respectat mai ales in cazul conexiunii dintre placa de sunet si PC/Mac prin port si cablu firewire.

Alte conditii ce trebuiesc respectate:
- Inainte de conectarea echipamentelor, asigura-te ca sunt oprite, si nu sunt incarcate static.
- In cazul in care echipamentul ce trebuie conectat si pornit a fost adus din frig, acesta trebuie lasat sa ajunga la temperatura camerei deoarece e posibil sa aiba condens pe elementele interne si se poate crea scurt-circuit (pentru specificatii concrete verifica manualul utilizatorului).
- Nu instalati si porniti echipamentele in atmosfera umeda, langa apa sau surse de caldura puternice.
- Asigurati ventilatia corespunzatoare
- Deconectati aparatura in timpul furtunilor pentru siguranta contra lovirilor de trasnete

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Articol scris de Octav Paul //
Copyright 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Have some fun w Optical Tremolo Box - DIY

Create a unique tremolo box using optical sensor, that will vary the tremolo effect from the different visual patterns applicable!!!

THIS is Awesome!!!

and thanks for watching!!!

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Top 3 piese romanesti super vesele preferate saptamana aceasta

Intamplator am dat peste cateva piese romanesti super vesele care chiar merita un Share:

1. Crush + Alexandra Ungureanu - Iubire de-o vara feat. Glance

2. Bibanu MixXL & Delia - La fel

3. Speak - Beat dimineata

Thanks for watching! :D

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

New music 2013-2014!!! Coming from Djs or Youtube?

More and more I see this phenomena, regarding the appearance of new music that is shared between listeners on social media, coming mostly from some special youtube accounts that promote new mixes and new songs.

Back in the good days, the new music used to be heard only if you went to a club, or really searched for several days on some new artists promoting radio stations from around the world.

Now I listen to the radio, and I follow some events organisers, and they all go about what's trending on youtube. What is mostly played on youtube, is what people listen to, so that's what they are asking for ... so this is what radios and promoters get for the audience.  THIS SUCKS MAN!!

Well, I don't think that's quite normal. It's like in the army... the army has it's own style of clothing no matter the fashion trends of today. So, the radios and events organisers should also promote what's really good and keep looking for new artists that bring out the new in music, get that consistency in music, not just copy paste what youtube shows as recommended....

The effect is that music will be played for so many times in such a short period of time, you will get sick if you listen to it again. The more you share, the less value it has in the end....

What do you think of todays and upcoming new music and the ways it's broadcasted???

Thanks for reading!

<3 p="">

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cum te va ajuta PUSH in orice vrei sa faci in studio si nu numai??

Iata parerea unor producatori despre controller-ul midi PUSH de la Ableton, in cateva cuvinte, la unul dintre cele mai mari evenimente din industria muzicala internationala, la SONAR 2013.

Artisti: Jamie Lidell, Nick Hook, Le K, Cardopusher, Nehuen


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Esti interesat de cursuri de productie muzicala in Ableton Live? Click aici!